
Credit: style.com from Fashion's Night Out in New York, 2009

So this is a blog mainly about fashion and beauty with the occasional musing on life/current shows/music/dance and my dabbling into photography thrown in for good measure.   Being a chemical engineer, I have mainly drowned myself in science and math (which includes way too much physics for my liking).  However, one of my greatest passions is exploring what makes great style (I firmly advocate quality design technique above all else) and why the fashion industry is one of the most fascinating and scrutinized industries in the world.   I have a great love of photography and emphatically admire the creative spirit of it all.  Magazines have kind of become my life and trade.  Not to mention, I love to prove society wrong for thinking that women can only have  beauty or brains.  [More of my thoughts on in this post.]

Moreover, from a chemist’s perspective, I am interested in the intricacies of beauty industry (particularly skincare).  I like knowing what goes on my face and body as much as I like knowing the fabric and material of my clothes and shoes.   And while one shouldn’t be so concerned about aging (as it hopefully brings wisdom and experience along with it), there is no need to hurry up the process right?  Not to mention a little moisturizer and sunscreen goes a long way in preventing wrinkles and skin cancer.  And as a woman, I am on the seemingly endless hunt for the perfect mascara.  So send any recommendations my way ;)

And of course, this is a blog after all.  I love to write.  Enough said.

14 Comments to “About”

  1. I love the name of your blog!

  2. Hi, I don’t know if you are a photograph, but I had a magazine and i have seen a very good photos for fashion section. Tell me if it’s posible get it in high resolution.


    • Hi, these aren’t my photos to release. I always post the credit underneath the feature shot unless they are my own. So you really have to take it up with the source; I don’t have the authorization to give them to you.

  3. I just discovered your blog while google searching a particular designer outfit, and I love it! I hope you dont’ mind that I’ve also already pinned some of your images to my pinterest board. Also, I was a science nerd that was always into fashion and beauty… you need to keep posting so other nerdy fashionistas can be inspired to be okay with their seemingly contradictory interests.

  4. most useful and comprehensive website.

  5. Hello, I was looking for someone who is able to think outside the box when it come to fashion models, and then I find you! I love your website, its interesting and different and I enjoy your views on different issues and photographers work. I am particularly interested in your thoughts about women models. I agree that we shouldn’t be put in to two different categories “normal models” aka thin or plus size – over weight. I dont think that either of these are health images for young women. I am model myself and I fit into niether categories, and I think it is wrong that people are encouraging me to “lose the weight” and fit in, when I am a healthy and very fit, young women that is completely fine with the way i look.

    I hope that more people will change, or at least see what they are doing to young women like myself.
    Thank you for being different, you have given me some hope.


  6. Love Your Willingness to share for fashion….:)

  7. This blog is so………o fabulous! I am a student major in fashion design and engineering in China, this year i’m in Milan taking english course about fashion, your blog has done me a great great help! thank you very much! and I’m surprised to find you are an engineer, you are amazing!

  8. your blog is just fantastic! Please proceed the inspiring work.

  9. Your blog has been nominated for the ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ http://innamazing.wordpress.com/1-lovely-blog-nominations/

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